The Neufert Foundation was established in 2001 to preserve the lifetime achievements of
Ernst Neufert and
Peter Neufert
The foundation is dedicated to preserve the Neufert House in Weimar and continue the Bauentwurfslehre.

One of Peter and Ernst Neufert's objectives was to promote the apprenticeship of young people.
The foundation awards scholarships to architecture students annually and additionally organises exhibitions and events in the Neufert Box in the garden of the Neufert House.
More than 30 students have been supported since 2007
Modernist Archive
University Weimar
The Modernist Archive administers the estate of Prof. Ernst Neufert and Peter Neufert. This includes plans, sketches, photographs and various editions of the Bauentwurfslehre.
Modernist ArchiveBuilding Culture
Foundation Baukultur
Baukultur (building culture) requires constant renewal. Urban planning, architecture and engineering are one of the keys to the future of Thuringia. Our philosophy is to promote the best of building in and for Thuringia.Building culture Thüringen
The Neufert Foundation consists of the board of trustees and the executive board.
Members of the board of trustees are:
Dr. Alex Garbers – Springer Nature
Dr. Horst Henrici – Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Prof. Johannes Kister – ksg
Architekten, Köln
Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Neufert – Maringo Computers GmbH
Nicole Delmes
– Head of the foundation
Are you interested in our work? Please get in touch with
foundation. Your donation can help us to finance scholarships for national and international architecture students, organise public events (Open
Monument Day, Museum Night), hold guided tours at the Neufert House and Neufert Box, and realise exhibitions of
contemporary architecture.
Neufert Stiftung Weimar
Heike Sterner
Rudolstädter Str. 7
Germany - 99428 Weimar-Gelmeroda
Phone: +49 (0)176 37 460 688